Counselling Services

Therapeutic Services
My therapy practices draw on the client’s resources (body, breath, mind, heart & spirit), their language, strengths and culture to enter into a place of sense making and inquiry. In this place concerns & fears, pain & distress, anxiety & depression and trauma are attended to as part of the therapeutic inquiry.

As this occurs two major things happen. The first is the generative benefits of forming a therapeutic relationship and the second is the noticing of unnamed moments in therapy that bring forward new sense making, new meaning and new understandings within the present moment of therapy. In the present moment of therapy we discover new possibilities for life and wellness (thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, solutions, directions, meanings and heart felt, spirit felt ways of being). These resources are then available to support action and movement towards the life changes you are hoping for.

Counselling and Therapy Sessions

My therapy sessions all include body integrated approaches including mindfulness, a focus on the breath and the body in the present moment and when appropriate mindful meditation that is grounding and stress reducing.

Find out more about Lesley Porters areas of focus: