Relationship Counselling & Body Integrated Trauma Therapy

Relationship Counselling

Relationship Counselling & Body Integrated Trauma Therapy Services

I see individuals, couples, families, children and young people for therapeutic counselling.

People see me for many kinds of concerns such as:

  • feeling like something is missing or wrong in their life or relationships
  • wishing to make a major change in a particular area or relationship
  • needing support and desiring change over past or recent experiences of trauma
  • feeling lost, alone or disconnected from the life they hoped for

Body Integrated Trauma Therapy

In trauma therapy and working with the body I draw on Janina Fisher and Andy Harkin’s body sensitive approaches, mindfulness based cognitive therapy, mindfulness meditation and yoga. My approach assists people experiencing trauma to move towards and into a balance of rest, safety and wellness. A place of feeling moments of rest, moments of relaxation, moments of joy, within an overall feeling of being comfortable. My approach to trauma therapy and the body opens up space to explore experiences of trauma and current relationship concerns-including intimate relationships, sexuality, relationships in general and parenting. In this space a relationship with the body and connections with rest, relaxation and feeling well become possible and easy to practice. I believe that trauma therapy involves reconnecting to parts of self/(ourselves) in ways that are comfortable, safe and nurturing. The therapeutic practices I use enable a sense of safety and comfort in all of my trauma therapy work.

Couples Therapy

Couples often seek counselling at crisis points such as following a major hurt, disappointment, betrayal or loss. Couples and individuals in relationships also seek counselling when troubled by: a lack of intimacy and closeness, ongoing conflict, sexual concerns and for sex therapy. I also see people at times of loss and grief. In counselling I work with you to find new personal and shared resources, new ways of thinking and being and new solutions to problems.

Whatever your concern may be, having a number of fortnightly sessions can give you a supportive and creative response resulting in solutions specific to your needs or situation.

Contact Lesley Porter for more information on Relationship Counselling & Body Integrated Trauma Therapy in Adelaide.