
The materials and text on this website have been designed as a general guide only. This website is a reflection of Dr Lesley Porter’s expertise but it is not intended to replace professional counselling or medical advice. Effort has been made to address the different needs of diverse groups in the community but the website does not intend to address all issues that may arise for people who are experiencing trauma or illness symptoms. No person or organization should act on the basis of the information on this website without taking appropriate advice.

Users understand and agree that Dr Lesley Porter shall not be liable in any circumstances for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damage how so ever caused arising out of or incident to the use of this website or its contents. The information on this website is liable to change, and although attempts are made to ensure that the content is current and correct, no representation, warranty or guarantee (express or implied) is made as to the currency or accuracy of the information, content, material and products referred to herein. Dr Lesley Porter reserves the right to make modifications of any nature to the information or tools on this website without notice.

Dr Lesley Porter works independently and is covered by individual professional indemnity policies.