Supervision & Consultation

Supervision & Consultation
I can support you to mindfully make decisions about what matters to you most…..your ethics, values, therapeutic relationships and boundary needs, therapy practices, resources, time and self care.

Support for Therapists

I provide individual, group and team based supervision and consultation for counsellors and support for therapists in relation to:

  • The making and doing of therapy- developing your authentic therapy practices through the doing of your therapy
  • Engaging with and developing your ethical therapy commitments and practices
  • Self-discovery and transformation in the therapeutic relationship
  • Therapy as a threshold experience: narratives of transformation & self-discovery; practice and identity as a therapist
  • Relational and narrative engagements with vicarious traumatisation: explore your experience and relationship with vicarious traumatisation and discover your unique ethical commitments and body sensitive therapy practices and self care practices in relationship to your experience and engagement with vicarious traumatisation.
  • Unnamed moments in therapy: an engaging life generating inquiry into unnamed moments, poetic, sacred & spiritual moments in therapy and therapeutic relationships
  • Trauma therapists’ life generating engagements with their ethical commitments and creative therapy practices. Inquiry and exploration into the way you as a therapist account for and live out your relationships to vicarious traumatisation
  • My collaborators, teachers and supervisors: deciding about what matters in regards to your therapy teachers, supervisors and collaborators
The therapeutic relationship is the holding space for everything that happens in therapy.

Contact Lesley Porter for more information on Supervision and Consultation.